Windows bootloader problem is one problem that every one of us has faced once till now. Knowing how ..
Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10 [Solved]
What do you do if you have issues with your Windows 10 Start menu not working? You press the Windows ..
What is Windows Shell Experience Host Process and Why is it on My PC?
Have you ever noticed a process named Windows Shell Experience Host in your Task Manager window (as ..
Fix Windows 10 Critical Error Start Menu and Cortana Aren’t Working Issue
The Windows 10 Critical Error Start Menu and Cortana aren't Working issue is a common one. It was ..
6 Ways to Fix Err_Connection_Reset Error in Google Chrome
Have you ever seen something like this while surfing on the internet and wondered what it is?A ..
How to Set CPU Priority to Prefer Foreground Apps in Windows 10
Have you ever wanted to set CPU priority to prefer foreground apps? There are certain methods using ..
Windows StartUp Repair – What is it and How to Use it?
As a computer user, you may be facing problems at least once in a while and your screen displays the ..
How to Take Screenshots on Windows 10 Using Built-in Tools
If you take a lot of screenshots on your Windows-powered system, you must be aware of the tools like ..
What is “Host Process for Windows Tasks” and Why are So Many Running on My PC?
For years, we’ve listened to the complaints saying that the Host Process for Windows Tasks is taking ..
How to Fix System and Compressed Memory High Disk Usage on Windows 10
With Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a memory compression technique to manage the memory in an ..
Fix: WMI Provider Host High CPU Usage Issue in Windows 10
Before explaining how to fix WMI Provider Host high CPU usage, let's first explain what this issue ..
How to Create Windows 10 Bootable USB
A bootable USB device always comes in handy whether you need to install or upgrade Windows on your ..
How to Check for Keyloggers and Remove it from the Computer
Have you heard of online banking thefts employing a program called "keyloggers" and are curious to ..
How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming 2025: An Ultimate Tweak Guide
If you are an enthusiastic gamer you probably know that Windows 10 is an excellent OS for gamers ..
Display Shutdown Menu When Computer’s Power Button Is Pressed
By default, Windows XP will shut down when you press the Power button. It’s a good idea to change it ..