Last week we kicked off our Linux Hands-On series to create a structured series that informs and ..
Linux Hands-On: Installation and the Basic Linux Commands
As technology advances every day, it decreases our dependency on manual, analog systems. But as we ..
Linux Hands On: The Advanced Terminal Commands
Over the past decade, Linux has grown from an alternative operating system for enthusiasts into an ..
Introduction to Linux Operating System
Linux is a UNIX-base operating system. Its original creator was a Finnish student named Linus ..
Delete Files Older than ‘x’ Days in Linux
Today, we will show a way to you by which you can delete files which are older than 'X' days. ..
Introduction to the Linux Kernel – Heart of Linux Operating System
The Linux kernel is not an operating system, but the kernel, or heart, of the operating system that ..
How to Create Repository in Linux
Today, we will show you how to create a repository in Linux. We know that we can install ..
How to Run Windows Apps on Linux the Right Way
These days we come across various applications that are cross platform supportive. Yet there are ..
Keep Your Ubuntu System Clean
If you are an geeky user who keeps installing various software and updates system regularly then ..
Linux Hands On: Terminal Easter Eggs and Tricks
Since the past 3 weeks, I've hopefully marinated your brain with all the Linux goodness that you ..