In the World of Warcraft universe, gold plays a key role, as it is the main currency for all transactions with NPCs and live players.
For gold, equipment and weapons are bought and sold, materials are purchased, and services are paid for.
In November, a new Dragonflight update was released for the world of Azeroth, which made significant adjustments to the variations in gold earnings and its amount.
The professional systems that were previously the main source of gold were reworked, but due to Blizzard’s attitude towards top lvl content, interest in gathering and crafting content fell and remained only with the most dedicated artisan players.
Now the situation is different, and Blizzard Entertainment has done everything to return interest to this type of leisure and income, which is a large layer of game content.
Consider all variations of earning gold:
- Farm and quests
- Dungeons
- Professions
- Buying WoW Gold on the special website with guaranties

Farm and Quests
Farming and quests are the primary sources of gold and materials mining, which is offered by the game developer himself. After all, starting with the training, the player is introduced to the elements of the interface and the economy, allowing you to earn the first gold just for completing simple tasks.
Further, the quest system will develop in two directions at once.
- The plot and the main narrative, so that the player better perceives the World of Warcraft universe and fully understands the role of his character in the general world of Azeroth.
- Earning gold and equipment. You will receive your first equipment and income thanks to quests – the game will gradually introduce you to all the main mechanics and issue rewards for mastering the content. You will receive gold for all main and secondary tasks, so you should take all the tasks that are only available in the location where you are going to hunt.
Farming is a great gold mining option. You just come to a location that suits your level and simply destroy everything you see until you outgrow your opponent’s level. Simple farming cannot be compared with quests in a game that is focused specifically on the quest system, and you will receive much less experience than for completing quests, but simple farming or hunting will bring pure profit in the form of gold and useful materials that can be sold in the fields.
Dungeons are an alternative, and sometimes the only source of obtaining unique equipment and weapons.
By going through dungeons, you can significantly improve the combat potential of the character, and if you pay attention to mythical and mythic+ dungeons, then the player has the opportunity to get the best epic and legendary equipment which can be sold when you accumulate enough resources to strengthen your character.

Since the Dragonflight update, professions have once again received their well-deserved attention and demand thanks to the efforts of Blizzard.
Now, gathering professions, as before, bring great profit due to the constant demand among artisans for materials.
Creating or crafting professions have received a new influx of income thanks to the ability to create goods to order through a special table that was added in the Dragonflight update and the entire interaction process is controlled by the game system.
Gathering professions and income
In order to make money on gathering professions, you need to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200busing the collected materials for leveling crafting professions and concentrate your efforts solely on earning gold.
You can choose from three main professions – herb gathering, skinning, or mining.
I would suggest taking Mining and Skinning if you are an active farmer, or Mining and Herbalism if you prefer to just run around and collect materials.
Mining is beneficial because it not only provides you with ore but also gives you a chance to get gems and other useful materials that are used in several professions, which means that the demand will be higher.
Skinning is useful for working with leather that needs to be processed but to get a consumable you need to exterminate animals, which takes time and effort. Fast and effective farming requires good weapons – the faster you destroy a mob, the faster you can process it.
Collecting herbs does not require any kills, but it is advisable to move quickly to ignore aggressive monsters and collect herbs and flowers. They are needed for the Alchemy and First Aid professions – useful, but anything not related to the production of key armor and weapons for the main classes is less in demand than anything related to the key craft.
If you are going to make money on the creation of items, then the changes in Dragonflight updates will help you.
- You can use the crafting table to fulfill the orders of the players and upgrade your skills and earn gold.
- You can specialize and make a particular type of item better than other players, which will allow you to earn more.
- You can always create tools for other crafters – Blizzard has added crafting tools that give a boost to crafters’ stats, and each class can craft a tool for a different type of craft. This means that you will have to buy some of the tools from others, but other players will also need your services for a gold reward.
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