Amazon is the world’s largest online marketplace. This is in part due to a ripple effect: everybody uses Amazon, so more and more sellers want to sell on Amazon. This is why it also makes it very hard to stand out.
But there are ways that sellers on Amazon make their shops stand out above the millions out there. This article will cover four ways that Amazon sellers can use technology to improve their businesses.
1. Get Software for the Nitty-Gritty
Sellers will be thrilled to know that Amazon vendors have many possible tools to make the less-pleasant parts of selling on Amazon easier. For example, some SEO products won’t let sellers analyze their shop data because they do not have a domain name.
But tools like the web-based Amazon Redshift SQL workbench can take some of the number-crunching out of maintaining a shop. also has ways to make sellers’ lives easier. The most well-known is “Fulfilled by Amazon” (FBA). This not only takes inventory management off of the seller but adds the “Amazon Prime” label to that listing. People are more likely to buy a product if it has free shipping and an Amazon Prime label.
2. Optimize Listings
There are two ways sellers optimize their listings: one for humans and one for robots. Ideally, sellers on Amazon want well-written listings that also show up in searches.
The easiest thing you can do to make your listing more appealing to humans is to run it through a spelling/grammar checker. Word and Google Docs have these tools built in for convenience. Sellers can also use a service like Grammarly if they want to be more thorough.
Sellers with cash to splash can also look into SEO tools for the listings. These tell sellers critical keywords that get their listings noticed by various search engines. Besides, the ultimate goal of search engine optimization is to get noticed by search engines, and using the right terms is arguably the biggest key to doing just that.
3. Use Social Media
Online sellers probably already promote their shops using platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
But they can also take this to the next level by offering free promotional samples to important influencers on these platforms. This will add credibility to their product. Sellers should always look for influencers who would buy their products already. That way, they will attract the right audience.
Social media is also increasingly trending towards short videos. A ten-second clip of a product on TikTok can say more about that product than the best photograph. A picture may be worth 1000 words, but a video is made of several hundred still images.
4. Never Stop Testing
All the tips in the world cannot compensate for experimentation. Google is constantly changing its algorithms to make SEO more difficult. If you read a bit of advice that someone else says helps, do something called a “split test.” List the same product twice and see which listing sells better.
For example, a seller can test whether long or short paragraphs impact sales. They can make two listings with paragraph size as the only difference. Other good tests include bullet points and keywords. Since the internet moves quickly, it is easy to see results in real-time!
Selling on the world’s biggest marketplace can be daunting. However, many forms of technology exist to make things easier for sellers.
From making the behind-the-scenes work easier to make one’s product more appealing on social media, there are many ways that sellers on Amazon can use technology to improve their sales. Follow these tips to boost your sales today!
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